Bring Mmmwhah! to Your Neighborhood:
Funds Available!
Applications closed in 2018.
See City of Boulder's Neighborhood Connections website >>
We've been hearing the cry: "What about OUR neighborhood? Can we bring some Mmmwhah! events to our neighborhood?" The answer is "YES!"
The City of Boulder is graciously offering grants to do just that.
Choose from the following five options or create your own dream event with music, movement, mindfulness -- whoa! and -- art. Mmmwhah!
As a grass roots social movement, there's no better way to spread it than through everyone's back yards, and front yards, and City parks, and wherever the arts will grow. And the City is offering some funds to help us all do just that. Don't we live in a great place?
"Music infused collage of art bodies. Bringing together artists and non-artists of all mediums to share creatively in the moment and build community at a new level."
-- Darlene Lorrain, Contemplative Dance Facilitator / Early Childhood Educator
"Neighborhood grant sparks social movement"- article in the City of Boulder's newsletter. See page 9 >>
As Digital Pub | As PDF
Let's fill this town with music, movement, mindfulness, and art-making!
Apply Now >> | Deadline October 12th​​
Grant awards will be announced Nov. 12th
Events may take place December 2018 - November 2019
Options: (You may choose up to three)
Single Show/Share/Create event. Call in the kindred spirits from within your neighborhood to share their art, music, poetry, and other creative interests with other neighbors, so we can all get to know each other and see where connections may be fruitful.
Pair of Show/Share/Create events, where the emphasis moves from sharing to collaborating on new creative projects. Building on the connections and shared interests sparked by our first gathering, we'll explore where collaborations may take us. Musicians may wish to pair up, for instance, to explore a piece together, or a musician and an artist, or an artist and a dancer, or larger trios etc. with varied interests and talents. We may explore some intentional collaborations and leave room open for some spontaneous creative inquiries akin to our Mmmwhah! Creativity Jams in other parts of Boulder County.
Music, Movement, and Writing with the Light, a photographic stroll through the neighborhood or a nearby area with live music, movement, our cameras, and guidance from a contemplative perspective
Vocal Playshop, where you can discover your voice over and over again in myriad ways of expression. And sing to your heart's delight.
Mmmwhah! Ensemble Performance and Workshop, where the ensemble members guide participants in their process of improvisational collaboration with music, movement, and art-making with mindfulness as the foundation. See more info about the Ensemble and the traveling house concert we did this summer done >> and some plans for the future >>
__ Other. Create your own dream event with music, movement, mindfulness -- whoa! and -- art in collaboration with Mmmwhah!

The City of Boulder Neighborhood Services' new SHOW/SHARE/CREATE grant is designed to facilitate “creative happenings” for Boulder neighborhoods. Led by Merlyn Holmes and Mmmwhah!, the goal of a creative happening is to bring neighbors together to share their own art-making practices and to cultivate further creative explorations and development with each other in a welcoming and participatory atmosphere. Ms. Holmes will meet with the project coordinators to develop the event that might work best for your neighborhood.
If approved, grant funds will be distributed to Mmmwhah! as a restricted fund for your neighborhood event. Funds will not be provided directly to the neighborhood or project coordinators.