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Past Events




"Mmmwhah! Poetry Jams"

Sundays, February 24 and April 7, 1:30-4 pm

Locations to be emailed upon RSVP 


Calling all poets, lovers of poetry, musicians, artists, and movers! 


Join us in launching a monthly series of  Mmmwhah! Poetry Jams. 

We'll share poetry, create poetry, encourage our poetry to breathe

into the music, art, and movement realms, and we'll feast upon the

poetic sensibility together.

           Expect your creativity to be deeply nourished.

The first two:

  • Sunday, February 24, 1:30-4pm at the home of Suzi Finkelstein, co-creator  (Location to be emailed upon RSVP below)

  • Sunday, April 7, 1:30-4pm,  (Location to be emailed upon RSVP below)

  • Suggested donations: $10-$20 by cash, check, or PayPal. No one turned away due to lack of funds.


Bring a short poem or two, excerpts from longer poems, musical instruments, voices, and your beautiful, soulful, curious selves. Potluck finger foods / beverages welcome, but not required.


Sponsored in part by the City of Boulder.  Thank you, Neighborhood Services!


Art created by Lisa Michot at a Mmmwhah! Gathering

  • Apr 07, 2019, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
    Kakes Studio B, 2115 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
    Calling all poets, lovers of poetry, musicians, art and movers. Come share poetry, create poetry, and encourage our poetry to breathe into the music, art and movement realms. Bring a short poem, musical instruments, art supplies, voices, and your beautiful, soulful, curious selves. $10-$20
  • Feb 24, 2019, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
    private home of Suzi Finkelstein, South Boulder, address to be emailed upon RSVP
    Calling all poets, lovers of poetry, musicians, artists and movers. Come share poetry, create poetry, and encourage our poetry to breathe into the music, art and movement realms. Bring a short poem, musical instruments, art supplies, voices, and your beautiful, soulful, curious selves. $10-$20


Mmmwhah! Gatherings

Second Sundays  |  2-4:00 pm


Next up:  March 10

Location: Chuck Ceraso's Studio & Gallery,

1294 Doric Drive, Lafayette





Gather with our fellow artists, musicians, dancers, writers, photographers, and other creative spirits to inspire and nourish the muses in all of us.  Join in the free movement, art-making, and live, improvisational music, or just listen / observe / take it all in as nourishment under a gently guided structure. Musically, we will ask one musician to lead each piece, rather than everyone playing all the time in a big jam: Spaciousness over density. 


Our Mmmwhah! Gatherings are improvisation as a form of play that can actually alter our sense of well being and self image by learning how to be uninhibited around spontaneity. This gathering is all about play and letting go... everyone enters with a willingness to be silly and from there enter into the profound. You don't need any experience to benefit from this afternoon event. We're here to play. There's no wrong way to do that...

- Sliding Scale $10-$20+ PayPal, cash, or check. But don't let money stop you.  See our policy on money at top of page.

- Please register asap. Limit of 20.

- Doors close at 2:15 pm so we can set our collective intention. 


Photo by Adam Griff

Mmmwhah!'s core practice is one of deep listening, being fully present in the moment, within an ensemble context. It is a relational practice. Our home ground is as Active Listener / Witness / Well-wisher, who is attuned to "What will serve?"


"What will serve the music? the movement? the art-making? Ultimately, what will serve the larger composition? and the whole room?"​




Every Wednesday:  Art & Activism | 9:30am @ Silver Sage Cohousing, 1650 Yellow Pine, Boulder

Art and Activism go together like Coffee and Bagels.  Join us each and every week to tend the state of our nation and write postcards and make phone calls.  It's way more fun doing this together! Coffee and bagels, postcards and stamps provided. Facilitated by Sandra Bierman.

Mmmwhah Turns Two!


Mmmwhah! Gatherings

Second Sundays  |  2-4:30 pm 


Special Notes:


December 9th Gathering will be extra special: 

Mmmwhah! is Turning Two!  This one will be held at The Muse, 200 E South Boulder Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026

         Please RSVP through link on right or email Merlyn.


Gather with our fellow artists, musicians, dancers, writers, photographers, and other creative spirits to inspire and nourish the muses in all of us.  Join in the free movement and art-making with live, improvisational music, or just listen / observe / take it all in as nourishment under a gently guided structure.


Our Mmmwhah! Gatherings are improvisation as a form of play that can actually alter our sense of well being and self image by learning how to be uninhibited around spontaneity. This gathering is all about play and letting go... everyone enters with a willingness to be silly and from there enter into the profound. You don't need any experience to benefit from this afternoon event. We're here to play. There's no wrong way to do that...


Mmmwhah is Turning Two!

     Calling in the kindred spirits... Come celebrate with us. We’ll combine our usual Second Sunday Mmmwhah! Gathering with this special celebration: Sunday, Dec 9, 2-4:30 pm.  We'll honor and mark this special occasion, engage in creative play, and dream into what's next for Mmmwhah!.

     Musically, for this larger event, we will ask one musician to lead each piece, rather than everyone playing all the time in a big jam: Spaciousness over density. 

- Please RSVP through link to the right, so we can determine best location:  Chuck's studio or The Muse.
- Fundraiser: Minimum Suggested Donation $10-$20+ PayPal, cash, or check.

- Doors close at 2:15 pm so we can set our collective intention. If you know you need to be later, please contact Merlyn. 

Mmmwhah!'s core practice is one of deep listening, being fully present in the moment, within an ensemble context. It is a relational practice. Our home ground is as Active Listener / Witness / Well-wisher, who is attuned to "What will serve?"

   "What will serve the music? the movement? the art-making? Ultimately, what will serve the larger composition? and the whole room?"​


Photo of piano by Adam Griff. 

Fall Vocal Playshop Series with 6 playshops, play groups, and workshops





"Mmmwhah! in 15 minutes"

Sunday, November 4, approx 1-1:30 pm

Mmmwhah! Ensemble to perform at

"Dance is for Every Body"

Canyon Gallery, Boulder Public Library

1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder


Please join us and bring your friends to this free event. 


The Mmmwhah! Ensemble has emerged in 2018 as a 

natural outgrowth of Mmmwhah! events. It is a 9-person ensemble of musicians, movers, and artists who get together to deepen into collaborative improvisational practices on a weekly basis. This will be our 4th performance of the year.  Others have included a traveling house concert (that moved between three houses), a performance at the Dairy Arts Center, and most recently at the Transformation of the Bustop event. 


We will be joined by guest artist Lisa Michot, a frequent participant in Mmmwhah! events.


Ensemble members, clockwise from left: James Hoskins, Dexter Payne, Sindhu Hung, Founding Creative Spirit: Merlyn Holmes, Darlene Lorrain, David Silver, Brian Mullins and Bill McCrossen.  Musicial instruments range from the kora, ngoni, erhu, guembri, ocean harp, Tibetan gong, meditation bowls to cello, clarinet, percussion, and more.





September 29:  Transforming the Bustop community event


Good news! The Bustop "Gentleman's Club," a strip club for the past 40+ years in North Boulder, is undergoing a transformation to a nearly 3,000-square-foot art space, to be managed by the NoBo Art District, and affordable housing, which we all know this town needs so much. Three cheers?!


To celebrate and help usher this transition in, we’re collaborating with a number of community partners to hold a big, community, pre-demolition event with music, dance, art-making, and photography to launch a "Construction Fence Art Project."  See details >>     Please join us and help transform Boulder's history!



Top two photos by David Silver, bottom two plus oval by 

Merlyn Holmes. See more pics >>

Music, Movement, and Writing with the Light,

a new series of photography strolls

Join Mmmwhah! Ensemble members for this

much-anticipated series of strolls through

beautiful natural settings with live music,

movement, our cameras, and guidance from

a contemplative perspective. Bring your cameras,

even just your cell phones, as well as your beautiful selves.


Mon Aug 6, 6-8 pm,

North end of Bobolink Trail, SE Boulder

Facilitated by Mmmwhah! Ensemble members Merlyn Holmes and David Silver, three-time winner of Boulder County's Open Space photo contest. Music by Bill McCrossen on ngoni, bow harp, bells, Tibetan gong, et al.


Mon Sept 3, 7-9 am

Eben G Fine Park, meet under the bridge by the parking lot

Facilitated by Mmmwhah! Ensemble members Merlyn Holmes and David Silver, three-time winner of Boulder County's Open Space photo contest. Music by Bill McCrossen on a newly-made instrument called "Basha," ngoni, bow harp, bells, Tibetan gong, et al., possibly with guest musician James Marienthal on flutes.


Wed Sept 12, 5-7 pm

South end of Bobolink Trail, SE Boulder, meet by the bridge near the East Boulder Community Center

Facilitated by Mmmwhah! Ensemble members Merlyn Holmes and David Silver, three-time winner of Boulder County's Open Space photo contest. Music by James Marienthal on flutes and Bill McCrossen on on a newly-made instrument called "Basha," ngoni, bow harp, bells, Tibetan gong, et al.


Wed Sept 26, 5-7 pm

Exploring the edges around Vista Village, 5000 Butte St., meet at end of Butte near pedestrian access to Kings Ridge Neighborhood

Facilitated by Mmmwhah! Ensemble members Merlyn Holmes and Bill McCrossen on on a newly-made instrument called "Basha," ngoni, bow harp, bells, Tibetan gong, et al. Free to residents of Vista Village. Other guests welcome / donation requested.


Suggested donations $20-$10 by cash, check, or as friend

Space is limited to 10. RSVP to Merlyn with best email, text or contact info for rain updates and plans. We plan to hold each of these rain or shine, but may change locations.



Mmmwhah! at Vista Village, East Boulder

All events free for residents of Vista Village.  Lovers of Mmmwhah! and additional guests are welcome, but are asked to make donations of $10-$20 per event.


Sun Aug 26

Show/Share/Create with Mmmwhah!: Vista Village Creativity Gathering #1 | 1-3 pm | Calling in the kindred spirits!  Come share your art, music, poetry, and other creative interests with neighbors, so we can all get to know each other and see where connections may be fruitful. Location to be emailed upon RSVP to 


Sat Sept 1 

Vista Village BBQ & Concert: Songs from Around the World | 1-5 pm | Elena Camerin Young (vocals), Khabu Young (guitar) Bill McCrossen (bass), Russ Meissner (drums) |  


Sun Sept 16

Show/Share/Create with Mmmwhah!: Vista Village Creativity Gathering #2 | 1-3 pm | Building on the connections and shared interests sparked by our first Creativity Gathering in August, let's see where collaborations may take us.  Musicians may wish to pair up, for instance, to explore a piece together, or a musician and an artist, or an artist and a dancer, or larger trios etc. with varied interests and talents.  We may explore some intentional collaborations and leave room open for some spontaneous creative inquiries akin to our Mmmwhah! Creativity Jams in other parts of Boulder County.  Location to be emailed upon RSVP to 


Wed Sept 26

Music, Movement, and Writing with the Light, Exploring the edges around Vista Village | 6-8 pm |

 (see description above)

Mmmwhah! Ensemble

Ensemble members, clockwise from upper left: Sindhu Hung, Founding Creative Spirit: Merlyn Holmes, Bill McCrossen, Amy Biondo, Dexter Payne, David Silver, Brian Mullins, Darlene Lorrain, and James Hoskins.  Instruments range from the kora, ngoni, guembri, ocean harp, Tibetan gong, meditation bowls to cello, clarinet, percussion, and more.


Mmmwhah! Ensemble Performance & Workshop  

NOTE: Postponed from Sept 29 due to the Bustop Transformation Event >>


Mmmwhah!'s core practice is one of deep listening, being fully present in the moment,

    within an ensemble context.   

We use improvisation as a relational practice across the mediums of music, movement, and art-making.

Our home ground is as Active Listener / Witness / Well-wisher,

    who is attuned to "What will serve?"

"What will serve the music?  the movement?  the art-making?  Ultimately,

    what will serve the larger composition?

    and the whole room?"

Our active participation in each composition stems from "What is needed?" and "What is being called forth?" 

Silence / Stillness / White Space are our home.

We encourage you to listen for the silences, witness the stillness, and feel the white spaces between things as well.

We aim to:​

  • Expand our awareness from "I" to "we" when we enter into practice together

  • Let inspiration rise in each of us from beyond "me," from tuning in to whatever source gives rise to the breath in our lungs.

And some really beautiful things arise!


In this performance and workshop, we aim to share this practice.  We will start with a more traditional "performance," then expand to include the audience members, as they feel so inclined.  So bring your instruments, your voices, your bare dancing feet, your art-making supplies, your beautiful, soulful, curious selves.

See our At a Glance Schedule 
Tune in to an ever-expanding schedule...  Sign up for updates and invites below. >>


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